Returning home from an incarceration can be a challenging process. If you have been recently incarcerated, be sure to stop by the Long Branch Free Public Library for personal sessions with a Social worker, who will take you step-by-step through the process of re-entry.
Throughout these sessions, you get to decide how to make your plan and we are here to help you each step of the way.
We understand that everyone deserves a second chance and are happy to provide you with support.
Fresh Start offers 11 one-on-one private sessions with our bilingual Social Worker, David Perez.
Create a resume and cover letter tailored to the types of jobs that you are looking for.
Develop a job search plan and receive support during the process.
David Perez, MSW
Bilingual Library Social Worker
Office: 732-222-3900, ext. 2290
Cell: 908-433-9122